Prostitution Charges In Dayton
Sex offense charges involving prostitution are generally achieved through law enforcement operations or “stings” throughout Ohio. These stings occur in places like massage parlors, escort services, and other adult entertainment establishments. If you are charged with prostitution associated with one of these operations, the penalties and consequences that you might face can be severe. In many cases, prostitution convictions can include prison sentences, possible placement on the Ohio sex offender registry, and fines. Apart from those penalties, you may be subject to other consequences like the loss of job opportunities, damage to your reputation, and more.
Dayton Prostitution Criminal Defense Attorney
If you have been charged with engaging in prostitution in Dayton, it is important that you hire an experienced defense attorney to handle your case. An experienced defense attorney will be able to navigate the legal process and present all the relevant defenses to protect you and your rights. The attorneys will make every effort to fight the allegations against you. Call Joslyn Law Firm at (937) 356-3969 or visit our website for a free consultation today about your case.
Information Center
Engaging In Prostitution Under Ohio Law
Under Ohio law, you commit prostitution if you:
- Directly or indirectly agree to participate in sexual activity in return for something of value (money from the person you have sex with or payment from the person trafficking you); or
- “Hire” someone to have sex with you by persuading or coercing them with something of value
It is important to note that depending on the circumstances of the encounter, Ohio prostitution laws can apply to both parties in the interaction, both the person agreeing to the conduct and the one requesting it.
Montgomery County Punishment For Engaging In Prostitution
In Ohio, engaging in prostitution is a first-degree misdemeanor offense. If convicted, you may be required to pay a fine of up to $1,500. Additionally, the court may require you to attend programs that provide treatment to people charged with engaging in prostitution to help prevent them from engaging in prostitution again. It’s possible that the court may only impose fines or participation in programs, but still, these offenses generally will be placed on your criminal record. These convictions can have substantial negative effects on your daily life for a long time, affecting employment opportunities and reputation. While the penalties may not seem severe at face value, it is in your best interest to hire an experienced defense attorney. The skilled criminal defense attorneys at Joslyn Law Firm may be able to reduce your charges or even have the charges dismissed to help you avoid future penalties and reputation damage.
Hiring A Prostitution Criminal Defense Attorney In Dayton
If you have been charged with engaging in prostitution in Dayton or the greater Ohio area, it is important that you hire an attorney to protect your rights and interests. When you need representation in court, experience matters. Defense attorneys at Joslyn Law Firm have substantial experience representing clients in sex crimes cases. We will analyze the facts of your case and argue all the defenses available to you to reduce your charges or even have them dismissed. The attorneys at Joslyn Law Firm are ready to fight for you. If you have been arrested for engaging in prostitution, call Joslyn Law Firm at (937) 356-3969 or visit our website for a free, confidential case consultation today.